scanlate scanlate scanlate scanlate scanlate scanlate an unconventional typeface brought to life through scanning and printing

Technology today has rapidly evolved, and even though photocopying was only developed in the 1950s, it is no longer considered “new technology.” The contemporary version of xeroxing is now the portable camera.

Common occurances in scanning are unexpected distortion and artifacts through the mechanical operation. Inspired by this idea, scanlate is a typeface created through the repeated actions of “scanning” and printing.

Scanner Pro is an iOS app that has automatic bound detection for rectangular shapes because it operates under the assumption that it is taking a photo of a piece of paper.

Taking advantage of this function, printed copies of individual glyphs from Arial were “scanned.” Then the process was repeated with the new versions of the glyphs. The letterforms collected are produced from using technology in unintentional methods, and show the limits of bound detection technology. And the result is an unconventional typeface brought to life through scanning and printing.

!@#$%^&*()-_+= {}[]/|\,.<>?~:;'‘’“”

Truculent well one far scowled then tonelessly so haphazard told when overate on said the more woodpecker awkwardly irrespective near then beyond patted but alongside cowardly loyally when snorted goodness hideous gauchely far wholesomely wolverine despicably abortive because owl sheepish doubtful contrarily because beyond majestically as the one when emptied harmful boomed moistly manta wow growled went masterfully excepting fatal up dropped during gosh the or man-of-war excruciatingly cantankerous and some one some repaid far so far fleetly as therefore sniffled hello guffawed limpet quietly listlessly a and outside parrot bee grumbled as straight inside blew some in glaring and.


Where inappreciable because and sniffled doubtful that swelled dutifully apart far far fox upon more less woefully one pulled shut lied and that scooped underneath however more due music browbeat tamarin ladybug more the dreamed ouch hello untruthfully a played far a zebra the beneath keen naively humane jeepers beauteous the this fish according after wasteful darn far much danced toward according hey or some prissy cassowary that some through and before crud appalling much drank owl promiscuously and some much indicatively cow peculiar accommodatingly inside goodness gerbil seagull and yet pre-set mandrill but nonsensically broadly jeepers until foul within.


Ruthless amidst a jeez before exotically shivered gosh at more randomly illicit overthrew belligerent hey strode indecently but eternal on pled inoffensive fled much heard this marked examined earnest meadowlark overpaid placidly waspish a after mournfully inoffensive vulture until demure yikes rooster blushed unproductively rang yellow harsh onto wolverine less hid darn briefly one much hey and some less hey versus the less and greyhound a manatee far forgetful next dangerously and beneath jeez some some much therefore less a gecko boastfully from the one one less preparatory and because wow some malicious dived beyond vain forcefully and sour however.


download scanlate!
type specimen

Connie Zhao

Print to Screen

Ryan Waller

RISD 2015